AlanJones Coding, Data Science and Data Visualization

Build Data Visualization apps for the web using Streamlit, Plotly, Python and Flask.

See the articles/tutorials, below, and find the code for them on Github by following the links below.
You can find me on: Medium, Twitter as @MrAlanJones and LinkedIn.

How to Deploy Plotly Graphics to a Simple Static Web Page

Plotly has a native method to create basic web pages but with a little more effort, web templates get you a much better result

Pyscript Evolves: How The New Version Stacks Up

We build a data viz app with the new faster PyScript

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stlite:  How to Run Your Streamlit Apps in the Browser

stlite is a browser-based implementation of Streamlit that can run apps on a web page without having to deploy to a Streamlit server

Altair: Using the Powerful Vega-Lite 'Grammar of Graphics

Using the Altair library for Python we can develop compelling data visualizations based on a grammar of graphics and implement them in Streamlit

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Data Visualization, Data Science and Python

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Mastering the Powerful New Assistants API for Data Analyst

OpenAI’s Assistants API lets us create AI assistants which leverage tools that can operate on user-provided data

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How to Create a Simple GIS Map with Plotly and Streamlit

Plotly map functions combined with Streamlit user interface components provide a way of creating GIS-style dashboards

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Flapjax: Data Visualization on the Web with Plotly and Flask

Build a data visualisation web page with Plotly and Flask, and make it interactive with some UI components

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Data Visualization on the Web with Plotly and PyScript

Put your data visualisations on the web with HTML templates — no server-side code required

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Downloadable eBook
Streamlitfrom Scratch

Streamlit is a framework for creating Data Science apps in Python.
Streamlit from Scratch is an ebook that will teach you how to get started with Streamlit.

A New Plotly Component for Streamlit

Streamlit only supports two Plotly themes: the Streamlit theme, or the default Plotly theme. We present a Streamlit component that will you to display Plotly charts more flexibly.

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2023 was the Hottest Summer Ever

We look at how to visualize the hottest-ever recorded temperatures over the period of June through August 2023

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How to Build Waterfall Charts with Plotly Graph Objects

Plotly Express doesn't implement waterfall charts but we can create a helper function that utilises Plotly Graph Objects instead

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Streamlit and MongoDB: Storing Your Data in the Cloud

Deploying your Streamlit app to the Cloud means that any data that you create with that app disappears when the app terminates - unless you use third-party storage like the NoSQL database MongoDB

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Using Streamlit’s Chat Elements: the Doctor is in

We use Streamlit’s chat elements to reproduce the famous 1960s Rogerian-psychologist-bot ELIZA

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Simple Surveys with Streamlit

Streamlit’s user interface components made constructing simple surveys easy. We create a simple survey with Streamlit, present it and show the results.

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Visualizing 'Brexit Regret' Data

A recent poll shows that more Britons favour rejoining the EU than those who still support Brexit. Let’s draw some graphs.

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Build a Web App with Jupyter and Mercury

Mercury provides a simple way to transform Jupyter Notebooks into interactive web apps.

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How to Publish Your Jupyter Notebook Apps with Mercury Cloud

Convert your Notebooks to web apps then publish them in the cloud.

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ChatGPT Prompting for Coders: a Prototyping Approach

A suitable prompting technique can make the development of usable code with ChatGPT quite painless. Here we prototype a Streamlit app for tracking cryptocurrency.

ChatGPT-like AI Could Replace the Equivalent of 300m Workers

A new Goldman Sachs report will be scary reading for some.

How I used ChatGPT to Build a Streamlit Dashboard App

Using CO² emission data I created a dashboard app in Streamlit with ChatGPT and no coding

Will ChatGPT Kill Open Source and Is It Even Legal?

Time and a lawsuit will tell but there is a large question mark over generative AI and its use of copyrighted material

What’s new in PyScript in 2023

Since I last wrote about PyScrypt there have been two updates — versions 2022.09.1 and 2022.12.1 — and we no longer seem to be in alpha territory.

BOOK - sponsored content
The Art of Statistics: How to Learn from Data

In this 'important and comprehensive' guide to statistical thinking (New Yorker), discover how data literacy is changing the world and gives you a better understanding of life’s biggest problems. - I have used this book in various articles and found it to be invaluable.

Data Analysis with ChatGPT and Jupyter Notebooks

The conversational way of generating code with ChatGPT works well with the cell structure of Jupyter Notebooks. There is a natural workflow when using ChatGPT with Jupyter Notebooks which makes generating a code for a Jupyter Notebook using ChatGPT surprisingly easy and satisfying.

Streamlit from Scratch

Find the tools you need and use them to create your first interactive web app in Python and Streamlit. Add media to your apps to help to communicate your ideas, produce text figures, tables and sophisticated charts from Pandas dataframes using Matplotlib, Plotly, Altair and other libraries. Finally, use the UI and layout features of Streamlit to create data dashboard apps.

Streamlit Text Gets Colourful

Your Streamlit text no longer has to be boring. Version 1.16 lets you colour markdown text.

Organize Your Data Science Projects with PPDAC - a Case Study

Define your problem, develop a plan, find the data, analyze the data and then communicate your conclusions - that's PPDAC

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CO2 Emissions Infographics in Python

How To Build a Data Infographics with Python and Matplotlib

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BOOK - sponsored content
Storytelling with Data: A Data Visualization Guide for Business

Don't simply show your data—tell a story with it! Storytelling with Data teaches you the fundamentals of data visualization and how to communicate effectively with data. I use this excellent book in the series of articles '12 Essential Visualizations and How to Implement them.

12 Essential Visualizations and How to Implement Them - part 1

We look at how to create the 12 most useful graphs and charts with Python, Matplotlib and Streamlit.

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12 Essential Visualizations and How to Implement Them - part 2

We look at how to create the 12 most useful graphs and charts with Python, Matplotlib and Streamlit.

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NASA Open APIs: The Astronomy Picture of the Day in Streamlit

Streamlit is not just for Data Science, you can create excellent general-purpose web sites, too. Here we use the NASA Open API and show how to keep your API key a secret.

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How to Create a Grid Layout in Streamlit

We present a method to programmatically create a grid layout in Streamlit with a World population data demonstration app

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PyScript v. Flask: How to Create a Python App in the Browser or on a Server

PyScript lets you create web apps in Python without the need for a server. Flask is a Python web app framework for making server-based apps. We write the same simple app using both

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Plotting with Pandas: An Introduction to Data Visualization

If you are a budding Data Scientist or Data Journalist, being able to visualize your data gives you the ability to better understand it

4 Ways to Create a Multi-Page Streamlit App

Streamlit may not have been designed for full blown web sites but it is fairly straightforward to create multiple pages in a single appt

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How to use Ploty with PyScript

PyScript doesn’t support Plotly directly but there is a simple way around it

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Create an Interactive Web App with PyScript and Pandas

PyScript allows us to create a serverless web application with HTML and Python as the scripting language.

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Visualizing Health Risk

The press can very easily get it wrong when dealing with health risk data. Data visualizations can help.

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How to Use Wikipedia as a Data Source

How to load information from Wikipedia into Pandas by finding the best team in the English Premier League

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Customizing Streamlit Columns

Streamlit has a limited layout model and this is normally an advantage as it allows the simple construction of sophisticated apps. But sometimes you want to modify the layout.

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Plotly with Streamlit, Dash or Flask

Which is the best framework for your data science apps

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Mean, Median and Mode: What Are They and When Should You Use Them?

You probably remember Mean, Median, and Mode from high school stats classes but they are often misused. We look at how you should use them — with Python and Pandas examples.

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How to Share your Jupyter Notebook with Mercury or Voilà

Putting your Jupyter notebook on the web is reasonably easy with either Mercury or Voilà but which is easier - here's a brief comparison of the two technologies

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Publish Your Streamlit Apps in the Cloud

Share your Streamlit apps with these free tools: Streamlit Cloud, Github and VSCode

SQL, Pandas or Both - Analysing the UK Electoral System

Pandas is great for analysing and plotting data but should you store your data in a database and select it with SQL. Let's take a look at some common operations using Pandas and SQL and see how they compare

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Data Scientists: Write your Medium Articles in Jupyter

Don’t waste time cutting and pasting and making screen shots of data tables, write everything as a Jupyter Notebook and upload to Medium

Create a Web App from Your Jupyter Notebook with Mercury

You can published you Notebook as an interactive web app with or without the code

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How Not to Lie with Charts

You can use data visualization to inform, or misinform. We look at the things to avoid if you want to do the former and not the latter.

BOOK - sponsored content
How Charts Lie: Getting Smarter about Visual Information

A leading data visualization expert explores the negative―and positive―influences that charts have on our perception of truth. I used this book as the inspiration for 'How Not to Lie with Charts'

Interactive Data Visualization with Julia and Pluto Notebooks

Pluto is an important development that allows you to easily interact with your data. We take a quick look at it using the Julia plotting package to easily create impressive graphs.

How to Build a Gallery of Streamlit Apps as a Single Web App

Download a free template, pop in multiple Streamlit apps and you’ve got a multiple Streamlit apps on a single web page

A Multi-page Interactive Dashboard with Streamlit and Plotly

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An Interactive Web Dashboard with Plotly and Flask

To create a truly interactive app with Dash you need to use callbacks. You can achieve the same thing with Plotly and Flask.

Why I’m Using VSCode for Jupyter Notebooks

VSCode is a great Python editor and, as I accidentally discovered, good for Jupyter Notebooks, too


Topical Plots: Global Warming Heatmaps

Which chart will get the message across best

ggplot: Grammar of Graphics in Python with Plotnine

Do you wish that Python could emulate the superb visualizations that ggplot gives you in the R language? Well it can.
Plotnine is a powerful graphics library for great visualizations and based on ggplot

Data Visualization with Julia and VSCode

With Julia and the free VSCode IDE, you can make impressive data visualizations with little programming knowledge.

Earlier articles that have not yet made it to this web page yet can be found here

This page will be continually updated with both new and older articles
Downloadable eBook
Streamlitfrom Scratch

Streamlit is a framework for creating Data Science apps in Python.
Streamlit from Scratch is an ebook that will teach you how to get started with Streamlit.

Sponsored content
How Charts Work: Understand and explain data with confidence
From the Back Cover

How Charts Work brings the secrets of effective data visualisation in a way that will help you bring data alive. Charts, graphs and tables are essential devices in business, but all too often they present information poorly. This book will help you:

  • Feel confident understanding different types of charts, graphs and tables – and how to read them
  • Recognise the true story behind the data presented and what the information really shows
  • Know the principles and rules of how best to represent information so you can create your own information-driven (and beautiful) visuals
  • Design visuals that people engage with, understand and act upon
  • Sponsored content
    The Art of Statistics: How to Learn from Data
    Discover how data literacy is changing the world and gives you a better understanding of life's biggest problems. I have used this book in various articles and found it to be invaluable.
    Downloadable eBook
    Plotting with Pandas

    Plotting with Pandas: an Introduction to Data Visualization is an ebook that covers basic and statistical plots using Python and Pandas, line and bar charts, scatter plots, pie charts, histograms, box plots, etc.

    Sponsored content
    Storytelling with Data: A Data Visualization Guide for Business
    Don't simply show your data - tell a story with it! Storytelling with Data teaches you the fundamentals of data visualization and how to communicate effectively with data. I use this book in the series of articles '12 Essential Visualizations and How to Implement them.
    Sponsored content
    How Charts Lie: Getting Smarter about Visual Information
    A leading data visualization expert explores the negative - and positive - influences that charts have on our perception of truth. I used this book as the inspiration for 'How Not to Lie with Charts'.